Flying into Queenstown or Christchurch is best.

If you are travelling by vehicle, from Christchurch City Centre, it is 315km and takes 4 hours via SH1 and SH8. From Queenstown, it is 170km and takes 2 hours 10 minutes via SH6 and SH8.

By bus.

The Intercity bus departs from Christchurch City Centre at 8:30am arriving in Omarama at 1:50pm.

The InterCity bus departs from Queenstown at 8:05am and arrives in Omarama at 10:35am.

Please be aware that catching either of these morning buses will require that you arrive and stay 1 night prior to the bus departure date (as flights generally do not arrive early enough for you to meet the bus). We suggest checking the current Intercity timetables on their website before making any travel plans.